Posted on April 27, 2024
Open to inquiries
From 2024-04-27
Job Description
Description of Duties:
- Hospitalists are on call from Friday 8:00 to the following Friday at 8:00 for ward, special care, and hospice patients
- Hospitalists are on call as surgical assist from Friday 8:00 to the following Friday at 8:00 for non-elective surgeries (this is optional)
- Hospitalists cover the Continuing Care Unit from 17:00 Friday until 08:00 Monday morning; these patients are covered by local family physicians through the week
- Hospitalists are responsible for admissions from 8:00 until 17:00. Admissions in the evenings are typically covered by the emergency physician on call
- Hospitalist admissions typically range from 10-20 patients a week
- Typical census is between 20-30 patients (10-15 of these are generally ALC)
- Acuity of special care unit (SCU) patients range from short-term telemetry monitoring to mechanical ventilation
- SCU patients requiring intubation are typically transferred to Health Sciences North in Sudbury, Ontario after stabilization
- There is a $8,000 weekly stipend
- Daily Honorarium of $ 322.45 through the NSLP as per their guidelines
- Billing is Fee for service including E-Codes
- Typical billing is between $5,000 to $9,000 a week
Accommodations, air travel, and car rentals are covered as per the HFO NSLP guidelines.
Apartments are available across the street from the hospital
A unit Assistant/Flow Coordinator is on site Monday to Friday during the day.
For more information please contact Nicole Carrire Hachez at